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June 26, 2024| by: JADE P. EGONIA


Teachers, as they say, are the modern heroes. They are not just there to teach, but also to inspire students, advise and guide them to the right path. The stereotype that 'teachers are the second parents' is actually an honor for teachers, but also, a pressure and big responsibility behind. We see that teachers are hardworking in both teaching and paperwork. Aside from that, some teachers sacrificed their little wealth just to help students with their finances simply because most of the time they consider students their own children, which gives a general view—about them being a real parent. It's really a big thing that teachers can put in being dedicated to their profession. 

 However, in today's time, teachers are sometimes degraded and neglected. Some students don't appreciate their efforts and just see them as mere facilitators and implementers in the classroom. Some parents are even the teachers' top enemies, for various reasons. The kind of worth and dignity that teachers have are quietly escaping from their place due to changes in society and people's perceptions. Indeed, this problem is quite serious on the part of teachers. So then, the voice for change and the phrase for appreciation among teachers should now be acknowledged. 

Teachers are the true modern heroes of students. Considering the context, it's completely acceptable and justifiable to acknowledge their vital role. They make students' lives way better, and they deserve recognition for their dedication. Their impact is significant, that it makes a difference in the world of education. Secondly, teachers help shape the students' future. This is in the way that teachers help students gain knowledge that is deemed important for their future careers. Teachers teach concepts beyond the topic, which most of the time impacts or evokes students’ emotions. The kind of learning that students gain after school is a blueprint that will guide them in the future. Those aforementioned are the products or results of the teachers’ efforts in inspiring, helping, and shaping students to become better ones. In fact, as evidence, research says that teachers are regarded as modern-day heroes since they help each student grow in which are vital in determining their destiny. Their bravery is acknowledged in a number of ways, including the success stories of real people with developmental impairments who have participated in specialized programs. Major impact on the learning environment of their students through fostering intrinsic motivation, highlighting their skills and qualities, mediating through conflicts, and supporting prosocial conduct and appropriate communication is always observed during the learning process.

 Generally, teachers are important in today's time, for they play a crucial role in shaping the students' future. Therefore, it is not only fair but also essential to recognize and appreciate the tireless efforts and unwavering dedication of teachers. Their commitment to shaping the lives of students is truly remarkable and deserves our utmost admiration and support. So every individual should continue to honor and celebrate these incredible teachers who make a lasting impact in the world of education.
