To coordinate and integrate the provision of technical assistance (TA) to schools divisions with the purpose of facilitating the delivery of quality basic education
and create an enabling environment for School-Based Management (SBM) and “ACCESS” program
Specific Functions:
- Coordinate the formation and maintenance of cross-functional TA teams by ensuring that all RO divisions are represented in each TA team and each Schools Division is provided with technical assistance
- Consolidate and submit an annual Regional Technical Assistance Plan (RTAP) for approval by the Regional Office management team
- Provide support to the “cross-functional” TA teams in terms of responding to the needs of target clients
- Provide research based feedback
- Consolidate and integrate feedback and reports from technical assistance teams for policy considerations and management decisions
- Monitor and evaluate outputs and outcomes of TA interventions in the schools divisions towards continuous learning and process improvement.
- Submit quarterly and annual reports on the results of monitoring and evaluation of TA interventions with recommendations for management action.
Specific Functions of the (Cross-functional) Technical Assistance Teams
- Analyze regional education data and identify development needs of the schools divisions
- Work with the schools divisions in validating needs, providing TA action and conceptualizing and implementing the interventions needed to respond to their identified need/s
- Assess and evaluate results of TA actions and interventions
Chief, Field Technical Assistance Division
Office of the Division Chief:
William E. Peralta - Education Program Supervisor
Mat Ranillo O. Singson - Education Program Supervisor
Romeo M. Vicente - Educ. Program Specialist I (CT)
John Louis T. Fuentes - Administrative Assistant I