To ensure competent personnel and staff in the regional and schools division offices through the implementation and management of an efficient and effective training
and development system towards improved professional competencies and organizational performance in the delivery of basic education.
Specific Functions on Human Resource Planning and Management:
- Develop regional policy framework, standards, guidelines and strategic plan for the operations of the HRD and NEAP in the region consistent with national policies and standards
- Manage the implementation of the HRD services, i.e. HR planning; Search, competency assessment, selection, and placement; Orientation and induction program; Succession planning and career development/management; Performance management; and Exit/retirement program
- Oversee the implementation of the applicable HRD Systems including the Human Resources Management Information System (HRMIS) in the Region
- Undertake HRD-related research
- Manage and monitor programs for the varied needs and well-being of employees
- Adopt or customize national systems for reward and recognition for regional personnel
- Manage and utilize the relevant components of Human Resources Management Information System (HRMIS) for operations and decision-making
- Provide technical assistance to the Schools Divisions on the implementation of the Employee Benefits Programs and the HRD systems
National Educators Academy of the Philippines at the Region (NEAP - R)
- Manage the operations of the NEAP in the region (Professional Programs Development, Professional Programs Management, and Quality Assurance)
- Develop and manage needs-based professional development programs and material resources for region and schools division staff including training of trainers
- Utilize assessment and evaluation results of HRD programs, projects and activities towards their improvement and/or recommend actions for management decision
- Manage the scholarship program of and for the region
- Provide technical assistance and mobilize resources for the operations of the T&D System in the schools divisions
- Link with the Regional CHED and education institutions for the development and recognition of NEAP-R training programs for credit units at the graduate level or for specialization/certificate/degree programs
- Adopt NEAP standards for Training and Development, accreditation of programs /service providers, and trainers assessment
- Monitor and evaluate the Schools Divisions’ compliance to T&D System standards and the NEAP-R’s performance
- Manage the Training and Development Information System (TDIS),a component of the HRMIS, in support to the provision of quality professional development programs
Chief, Human Resource Development Divisions
Office of the Division Chief:
Rizanor L. Albarico - Education Program Supervisor
Antonia B. Tayag - Education Program Supervisor
Edgardo D. Gavenia - Education Program Specialist II
Julius M. Pandan - Education Program Specialist II
Claiza B. Asuelo - Admin. Asst. I